Elected Officials

Karl Gillespie: NC House 120

Karl.Gillespiewe@ncleg.gov, 919-733-5859

Kevin Corbin: NC Senate 50

Kevin.Corbin@ncleg.gov, 919-733-5875

Chuck Edwards: US House 11

chuck@chuckedwardsnc.com, 202-225-6401

Josh Stein: Governor-Elect

https://governor.nc.gov, 919-814-2000

Rachel Hunt: Lt. Governor-Elect

Jeff Jackson: Attorney General -Elect

Dave Boliek: State Auditor

Elaine Marshall: Secretary of State

Brad Briner: Treasurer

Maurice “Mo” Green: Superintendent of Public Education

Steve Troxler: Commissioner of Agriculture

Mike Causey: Commissioner of Insurance

Luke Farley: Commissioner of Labor

Allison Riggs: NC Supreme Court Associate Justice

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